Open Letter to You on Celtic Crush / SiriusXM

So grateful to Larry Kirwan of Black 47 and the wonderful listeners of Celtic Crush on SiriusXM for placing Open Letter to You in their top 100! Tuatha Dea is honored beyond words to be included in a list along with the likes of Sinéad O’Connor, The Dubliners, The Cranberries, The Mary Wallopers, Black 47 and so many other amazing artists we admire! Thank you for liking the song and making it #19. Please listen to Celtic Crush and visit their page. You can find our video on Tuatha Dea’s OFFICIAL YouTube Channel.

Today’s portion of the Celtic Crush Top 100:

Place Song Artist

35 Fairlies Grian Chatten

34 Everything’s a Miracle Greg Trooper

33 Cello Song Fontaines D. C.

32 Zombie The Cranberries

31 Wexford The Mary Wallopers

30 Soldier Francis Dunnery

29 Oro, Se Do Bheatha Bhaile Sinead O’Connor

28 Heroes Belfast Larry Kirwan

27 Danny Boy Eva Cassidy

26 The Homes of Donegal Paul Brady

25 Samhradh Samhradh The Gloaming

24 Haunted Shane MacGowan and Sinead O’Connor

23 Fields of Athenry Dropkick Murphy’s

22 Somewhere Over the Rainbow Eva Cassidy

21 James Connolly Black 47

20 Streets of Edinburgh The Proclaimers

19 Open Letter To You Tuatha Dea

18 A Bang on the Ear The Waterboys

17 The Man from God Knows Where Phil Coulter

16 Alive Skipinnish

Lastly, a very special thank you to our dear friend Joseph McGuire for his friendship and support over the years and for keeping us in the loop.

Thank you, Marc Gunn!

Recently we had the honor of being included in Marc Gunn’s Top 10 Celtic Bands of 2022! Coming in at number 4…

Top 10 Celtic Bands of 2022 – Marc Gunn

4. Tuatha Dea

Tuatha Dea is a little bit different than some of our other list-makers here. Think Appalachian/Celtic. Not quite sure what to make of that? You have to hear it to understand it! With the band’s Celtic heritage as an underpinning, this group takes Irish and Scottish music and makes their own blend of it with rock. Appalachian blues, and a sprinkling of mountain drumming. It completely unique and very compelling. The band’s name is actually an Old Irish phrase that means “children of the Gods”, which you may or may not already know.

There are so many surprises with this band—each track is different, and yet you always know it’s Tuatha Dea. The group is comprised mostly of family members (with a couple others sprinkled in) and they have a tight-knit sound. You’ll also hear all kinds of instruments make an appearance—from Native American flute, to guitar, to the didgeridoo, bagpipes, penny whistle, and more! The mash up works so well that it’s easy to fall in love with their sound.


That’s right everyone, we have finally created an on-line store for your shopping needs. We’ve just started and will probably add new products so make sure you stay tuned into us in order to be informed as to our new stuffs!!! Check out the store now!!!


It’s 2025!

It is the year 2025 and we are starting the year off with a bang in Florida! To start off this year check out those dates to see if we will be near you. Come out to see us and tell yer mom an’em.

Newest Introduction to the Family…

If you’ve been to our shows in the last little bit you would have noticed a different Tuathian behind the drum kit. We have two drummers now!!! No one has left, Brett is still with us but our little Tuatha Family is getting just a little bigger. We want to take this time to officially introduce to you Brett’s “second in rhythm” Mr. Stuart Johnson!!

Official Introduction Time!

This is WAY overdue. Tuatha Dea wants to introduce to everyone our phenomenal fiddle extraordinaire! She has been with us almost a year now and she’s not going anywhere! Everyone please welcome to our Tuatha Dea family…. Miss Samantha Jean!!!!




We are releasing a new album TODAY! With all that comes in living through a pandemic, working with Sound Biscuit Productions and studio…. We are thrilled to announce that our album Irish Eyes is complete and FOR SALE!!!! We are releasing this weekend starting tonight! We have a link that will take you to buy downloads right here in this post!

OR ….. We will be at The Rampant Lion Pub in Gatlinburg TN! We will have CDs for sale WITH US!! come on out and join us. In the meantime check it out here’s a link where you can get your downloads from iTunes and such!!



Releasing the single TODAY on National Tartan Day marks history in a way. April 6th 1320 marks the day when the Declaration of Arbroath came to pass. It was sought to assert Scotland’s position as an independent kingdom. Sir James Douglas was one of the chief commanders during the Wars of Scottish Independence. The Douglas, the one whom our story is told, was Robert the Bruce’s right hand man. Pledged himself to The Bruce for life if he could only have his name returned to him. This is their story in song by Tuatha Dea.

The Epic Celtic Rock Ballad “The Black Douglas” (aka Bravehearts) celebrates one of Scotland’s greatest heroes “Good Sir James Douglas” , known to his enemies as “The Black Douglas” and referenced as the most feared Knight in Scottish history! His story is the stuff of legend and more can be found on King Robert the Bruce’s right hand at the click of a mouse!

​This single from Tuatha Dea’s forthcoming NEW album, is the 2nd to be produced by Grammy nominated Sound Biscuit Studios and mastered by Grammy winning Paul Blakemore and is being released for airplay on National Tartan Day to commemorate Scotland’s Declaration of Independence and of course “Good Sir James”.

Tuatha Dea is honored to present the amazing Cover Art associated with “The Douglas”! The beautiful artwork of Andrew Hillhouse is graciously provided with permission by and in association with and Tuatha Dea suggests you visit the website for an incredible visual journey through time.


Who was Good Sir James Douglas aka “The Black Douglas”

 “Douglas Castle” artwork courtesy of Andrew Hillhouse Gallery

This Tartan Day, April 6th 2021 is an auspicious day and the perfect day for Tuatha Dea and Sound Biscuit Productions to present the Epic Celtic Rock Musical tribute to one of  Scotland’s greatest heroes, “Good Sir James Douglas” known better to the English and history as “The Black Douglas” to the airwaves. The song 9 years in the writing pays homage to Robert the Bruce’s right hand man and a man known as the most feared Knight in Scottish history! The song aptly entitled “The Black Douglas”, (The name bestowed upon Sir James depicting his visage and the fear he struck into the heart of his enemies) carries a second name “Bravehearts” which is embraced and used as an audience participation part of the song during live performances. 

While the term was made popular by the 1995 film about William Wallace, the term according to a variety of sources actually applied to King Robert the Bruce and is forever connected to the last valiant battle on behalf of his King by Sir Douglas. According to historians, poets and storytellers alike, as the King lay dying in his bed he charged his most faithful Knight with one last task. The Bruce, having never had the opportunity to embark upon a crusade, asked Douglas to cut his heart from his chest upon his death and carry the King this way into one final battle. Douglas did as he was asked and placed the King’s embalmed heart into a cask which Douglas wore over his own heart.  The following is from an article in publication known as the, The Scotsman; ( Who was The Black Douglas? | The Scotsman )
“The death of Robert the Bruce in June 1329 led to a powerful pilgrimage of Douglas and a handpicked group of high-status followers to Jerusalem to take their leader’s heart on a crusade to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Douglas carried the embalmed heart of Bruce in a cask around his neck as the men set sail on the mission with a promise that it would be returned to Melrose Abbey to its final resting place. The men, who were joined by more supporters in Flanders, incorporated a stop in Spain after hearing of a crusade by Alfonso XI of Castile against Muslims of Granada. Douglas and his men joined Alfonso’s army after arriving in Seville and were to soon come into contact with the Moors near Teba, a castle on the frontier of Andalucia. The battle came to a swift, satisfactory conclusion for Alfonso but, not being fully aware of the mode of warfare, Douglas found himself deserted by his men. His end clearly upon him, the story as recounted by Sir Walter Scott goes that Douglas removed the cask from around his neck, declared aloud “Pass first in fight…as thou wert wont to do, and Douglas will follow thee, or die”, then charged the enemy one last time. When the surviving Scots searched the field, they found Douglas dead, hewed with “five deep wounds” but with the cask unharmed. Douglas’ flesh was boiled from his bones as per the usual custom for long-distance transport of noble remains and his heart was removed, now a companion to that of Bruce.”

Well, that’s the epic moment of how it ended but the real story of Good Sir James is nothing short of spectacular. I suppose I could just blog away here on my own or I could grab bits from other more accomplished writers to tell the tale. That seems reasonable … Ok so “The Castle Hunter”, David-C.-Weinczok says of The Douglas;  (James ‘the Black’ Douglas: The Most Feared Knight in Scottish History – Castle Hunter)

” James Douglas, Robert Bruce’s indomitable captain during the Wars of Independence, is overshadowed only by Bruce himself as the most compelling of Scotland’s fourteenth century personalities. Douglas is something of a Janus figure in the history of the British Isles. While many Scots came to know him as ‘the Good’ Sir James for his championing of Bruce’s cause, it was his mastery of fear as a tool of war, his personal ferocity in battle, and his brutally effective raiding style that caused people in the north of England, often subject to said raids, to bestow on him his most enduring moniker – ‘the Black’ Douglas. His bogeyman reputation amongst the English was such that, while he was still very much alive and active, mothers in Northumbria and Cumbria supposedly sang to their children:

 Hush ye, hush ye, little pet ye,

Hush ye, hush ye, do not fret ye,

The Black Douglas shall not get ye…

 A chilling folk story has this refrain followed by a calloused hand grasping the mother’s shoulder, and a growling voice uttering, “don’t be too sure of that…”

I LOVE that part! But wait…there’s more! 
“Douglas led and partook in many dramatic episodes in the period between joining Bruce in 1306 and his death in 1330, including the crafty and brutal retaking of his ancestral home, Douglas Castle, in the incident know as the ‘Douglas Larder’ in 1307, and the capture of the nigh-impregnable Roxburgh Castle in the Borders by surprise attack in February 1314. Douglas fought at Bannockburn, though he was not a commander of his own schiltron spear formation as depicted in John Barbour’s The Bruce, but rather acted as a sub-commander connected to King Robert’s own force. In the aftermath of the battle, Douglas pursued the defeated Edward II to Dunbar, with Barbour suggesting he did so with a force outnumbered by the king’s five to one and following so close that the English king’s company dared not even stop to ‘make water’. This and other actions brought James the reputation of being “mair fell [fierce] than was ony [only] devill in hell”. His battle record speaks for itself: according to Barbour, Douglas gained fifty-seven victories to thirteen losses, and those losses were more tactical withdrawals than true routes. “

Definitely read Weinczok’s complete blog AND/OR just google “The Black Douglas” or “Good Sir James” (link above) … and you could check out the film “Outlaw King” if you want to catch The Douglas in a bit of cinema. Yes, there is a movie… Not about The Black Douglas. Rather about King Robert the Bruce!  But Sir James is definitely there of course! And of course there are books upon books upon books! That’s how I originally came to know his story and this song for Tuatha Dea has been 9 years in the making (or at least in my head)

So why April 6th? And what is Tartan Day? For the answer to that let’s rip it right out of Wikipedia itself! I mean I could paraphrase but that seems like a lotta work. so Tartan Day… Per Wikipedia; ( Tartan Day – Wikipedia )

“Tartan Day is a North American celebration of Scottish heritage on April 6, the date on which the Declaration of Arbroath was signed in 1320. It originated in Canada in the mid-1980s. It spread to other communities of the Scottish diaspora in the 1990s.”

OK … Now we are getting somewhere. The Declaration of Arbroath of 1320 for today’s intents and purposes can be perceived as a kind of Scottish Declaration of Independence. It’s of course not that simple but you can look it up and read about that as well. To keep everything tied together as it should be one of the signatories of The Declaration was none other than … Yes …you guessed it “Sir James Douglas, Lord of Douglas” aka “Good Sir James” aka “The Black Douglas”. And yes Wikipedia is again a starting point or you can go here; ( The Declaration of Arbroath | National Records of Scotland ( ) !

Our blog today is about the song but you really need some context to go with it I think so making this easy.  A very special word regarding Artwork accompanying the song’s debut, We are beyond honored and blessed to have been offered  support from The Galleries of Andrew Hillhouse and the use of the amazing prints of The Black Douglas by this incredible artist estate. We are so grateful for this pairing, connection and friendship. Please visit the Hillhouse gallery at this link Home: Andrew Hillhouse ( or stop by their page at(7) Andrew Hillhouse Prints | FacebookYou will be as awed as we are.

The blog would not be complete without a bit of Tuatha Dea’s own perspective intertwined.  The Douglas is simply larger than life, and his history is as powerful as his legend. I am a bit of a romantic when it comes to such potent figures in history. The likes of which are almost unfathomable in today’s world. Honor, loyalty and sacrifice may be outdated but still mean something to this storyteller and remain things to which we ought aspire. A little darkness is …well … human after all, and used proportionately gets the job done. We thought the phrase “Bravehearts” needed to be returned to its proper Heros and an Epic figure like “The Black Douglas” certainly deserved an Epic Celtic Rock tune. Tune in this Tartan Day, April 6th, 2021 AND be on the lookout for the airwaves debut of “The Black Douglas” PLUS a very special video compilation featuring the artwork of Andrew Hillhouse! REMEMBER! YOU can ask your local radio stations to contact Tuatha Dea or Sound Biscuit Studios for the airplayable download and help us get the airwaves rumbling and the Piper paid! 

LASTLY, If you’ve read this far… Here’s your EXCLUSIVE chance to get your download of  “The Black Douglas” EARLY! Go Either to  OR ON April 6th and buy yours straight from the source before it goes out to all the music forums on April 16th! Why wait …when you are in the know…you don’t have to! Next best thing to pre-ordering! NOW … In the meantime… How about some lyrics! Slainte!


Mother – Father, Can you hear me calling

Saint Andrew’s Sinner to reclaim my name

For Kith and Kin and Scotland’s Crown and Glory The Devil be damned …

And I’ll Carry the fight into the night so dark

For Country and King. Freedom will ring. Bravehearts

Come my kinsman. Tis the Bruce I follow

To Bannockburn across the Highland Way

By Blood and Bone, By Fire, Steel and Gallows The Devil be damned –

We’ll Carry the fight into the night so dark

For Country and King. Freedom will ring. Bravehearts

My King has fallen still his heart I carry

To a final battle in the Promised land

Go as ye will Sire and I will follow And the Devil be damned –

I’ll Carry the fight into the night so dark

For Country and King. Freedom will ring.

Bravehearts Bravehearts! … (repeated)